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Search results

  1. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    http://www.pcworld.com/article/150828/browser_battle_firefox_31_vs_chrome_vs_ie_8.html? in all honesty I've tried Chrome but it just doesn't appeal to me. It's not a bad browser... it just doesn't appeal to me
  2. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    um, do you think everyone's opinions will suddenly change when Fx 4 is released?
  3. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    okay since it's clear who the winner is here, I have a question ... When/what exactly is Part 2 of this epic battle (it says part 1 in the title so um)?
  4. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    i think opera is a pretty cool browser. eh is immune to windows clipboard bugs and doesn't afraid of anything also for the record, I'm for both Opera and Firefox, I use both because they both kick ass Maybe Safari does too, I should go try it out. IE8 + IE7pro isn't too bad after discounting...
  5. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    you'd be looking for User Agent Switcher then alternatively, if it actually doesn't work in firefox, use IETab. Technically you're still using IE (well, its rendering component at least), except it saves you the trouble of clicking the IE icon.
  6. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    True; but there's something to be said when IE fails it even when it wins it. Not that it's IE8's fault, of course, if people didn't have to hack their code to make it work correctly in IE5 and 6... :-\
  7. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    ie8 isn't all that great, actually; it does render acid2 so it's better on standards but it fucks up on pages coded for IE (I turned on Emulate IE7 mode not long after upgrading it). I still prefer firefox and opera, I just installed ie7pro (soon to be called iepro to emphasize it works on ie8...
  8. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    How exactly is Pokemon relevant to a browser war? Firefox 3 has this built in btw All noscript does is disable javascript and flash, and I'm fairly certain Opera can do this as well. Opera does pipelining by default, from what I know, and (of course) IE doesn't support it at all. PROTIP: If...
  9. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    The AWESOME BAR™, for one. Oh, and other minor things like improved support for W3C standards, but that's not important
  10. Abwayax

    Browser Wars, Part I (aka Browser Discussion)

    I use Opera and Firefox because they're both awesome. I really don't make a conscious decision to use a certain browser, I just pick whichever one my cursor is nearest to I suppose. But I'd say Opera is my favorite because, well, I just like it better. My action of liking Opera more, in my...
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